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LIVING STREETS MERCED supports more cycling in our community for cleaner air, more $$ savings, better health, and livable streets. Let's bring more bikes and build safe connected bike paths in Merced.


The California E-Bike Incentive Project is offering $1000 to $2000 vouchers to buy E-bikes for qualified residents.

Subscribe for more info
We'll send updates & offer free local support to apply for an e-bike voucher.

Thanks for subscribing!

Note: We are a local volunteer initiative not affiliated with the California E-Bike Incentive Project.

We're still waiting for the CA E-Bike Incentives Project to announce the start date to apply.

Our current guess is April, but we will email and post on Instagram as soon as we hear more.

Are you eligible for an electric bike voucher?


You must be a Resident of California


You must be 18 years or older


Your Household Income must be less than 300% of Federal Poverty Level

Voucher Applications are not being accepted yet.
Vouchers are limited, so let's be ready to apply on launch day.

If you haven't already,  subscribe now & we'll keep you informed.

Thanks for subscribing!

Livable Streets in Merced

For livable streets in Merced

Picture streets beyond traffic. Livable streets are vibrant spaces where families stroll, people bike, and neighbors connect, enhancing our community with healthier lifestyles, cleaner air, and contributing to economic vitality.


Let's champion livable streets together. We can start by bringing more cycling to our community and advocating for safer, better connected bike paths.

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